Top Real Estate Agents In Jacksonville, FL

Looking for a top real estate agent in Jacksonville? You’ve come to the right place. Our realtors profiles include:

  • Recent Sales
  • Ratings & Reviews
  • Average Price Point
  • Years of Experience
  • Service Areas
  • Neighborhood Expertise
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Jacksonville, FL

cross icon
  • $113.8M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 981 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $390.4K Average
    Price Point
Jennifer Hendry Top real estate agent in Jacksonville

2. Jennifer Hendry

Trusted Pro

As a verified Trusted Pro, Jennifer Hendry utilizes their wide network of professionals to ensure you connect to the right professionals that meet your needs.

locationJacksonville, FL

new_crd_ 17 Yrs of Experience

323 sales in Jacksonville, FL in the last 3 years
  • $65.3M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 520 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $335.5K Average
    Price Point
Cindy Gavin Top real estate agent in Jacksonville

3. Cindy Gavin

Trusted Pro

As a verified Trusted Pro, Cindy Gavin utilizes their wide network of professionals to ensure you connect to the right professionals that meet your needs.

locationJacksonville, FL

new_crd_ 22 Yrs of Experience

369 sales in Jacksonville, FL in the last 3 years
  • $49M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 709 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $448.3K Average
    Price Point
  • $32.9M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 443 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $588.9K Average
    Price Point
  • $30M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 359 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $394.8K Average
    Price Point
  • $21M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 187 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $349.6K Average
    Price Point
  • $44M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 367 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $650K Average
    Price Point
  • $45M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 341 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $432.8K Average
    Price Point
  • N/A Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 172 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $402.2K Average
    Price Point
  • $27M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 289 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $524.2K Average
    Price Point
  • $470K Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 293 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $371.3K Average
    Price Point
  • $10M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 138 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $275.4K Average
    Price Point
  • $35M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 165 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $524.9K Average
    Price Point
Myesha Michelle Davis Top real estate agent in Jacksonville

14. Myesha Michelle Davis

Trusted Pro

As a verified Trusted Pro, Myesha Michelle Davis utilizes their wide network of professionals to ensure you connect to the right professionals that meet your needs.

locationJacksonville, FL

new_crd_ 18 Yrs of Experience

90 sales in Jacksonville, FL in the last 3 years
  • Trusted Pro

    Myesha Michelle Davis is a Trusted Pro with a network of verified vendors.

  • $1M Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 103 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $174.5K Average
    Price Point
  • N/A Total Sales
    Last Year
  • 157 Recent
    Transactions infoTransactions from the
    last 3 years
  • $330.1K Average
    Price Point

Resources to pick the best realtors in Jacksonville, FL

Jacksonville, FL Real Estate Agents

There are 7,595 real estate agents in the city of Jacksonville to choose from. We’ve analyzed and ranked over 295 top real estate agent profiles in our network to help you find the best agents in Jacksonville for 2024.

Our team evaluates the number of recent sales, confirmed customer reviews, and agent track record to determine the top agents in each location.

Hiring an agent who is experienced and trusted by past clients gives you confidence throughout the home buying or selling process. You can be sure you have the best partner to get you the best price for your home.

Jacksonville has many real estate agents who claim to be the best and get you the best deal. How do you know who to trust and who will work the hardest for you?

We’ve crunched the numbers and gone through thousands of real estate agent profiles to bring you only the best as you begin your journey. Search, compare, and hire easily from this list of top Jacksonville real estate agents of 2024.

Recommended Realtors For Buyers in Jacksonville, FL

We recommend the following agents; they score high in most of these traits that are important Read More... when choosing a buyer’s agent. You cannot go wrong with interviewing any of them!

Negotiation Skills Buyers need a skilled negotiator if they want to beat out competition and close without overpaying.

Communicative Buyers need an agent who is actively looking for properties and keep them in the loop with next steps.

# of Recently Bought Properties A high number displays their competency at closing out deals and negotiating for their client in your desired location.

Knowledgeable Good agents can answer almost any question regarding your specific market, offer processes, home inspection, and more.

Recommended Real Estate Agents For Sellers in Jacksonville, FL

We recommend the following agents; they score high in most of these traits that are important Read More...when choosing a seller’s agent. You cannot go wrong with interviewing any of them!

Negotiation Skills Some realtors pressure you to sell below it’s worth. These agents don’t; They know how to market the property to sell it at its’ value or above its’ value.

Hard Working Believe it or not, there are a lot of agents that will just list your property. You need one who will coordinate open houses, listings and sell your house - not wait for it to sell itself.

# of Recently Sold Properties A high number displays their competency at closing out deals. Check out their sales in their profile to see if they’ve sold in your area.

Sold Quickly These agents know how to market the property in order to get offers at or above listing price shortly after listing the property.

Real Estate Trends in Jacksonville, FL

Jacksonville, FL Housing Statistics and Real Estate Market Trends (Aug 2024)

  • Active Listings

    Change since last month



  • Median Days on Market

    Change since last month

    57 days


  • Median Listing Price

    Change since last month



  • New Listings

    Change since last month



  • Listings That Increased Price

    Change since last month



  • Price/Sq Foot

    Change since last month



  • Source:

    2023 - 2024 Jacksonville Median Listing Price

    The Median Listing Price is the middle price that homeowners listed their properties at in a time period. This means half the homes were listed above this price and half were listed below.

    Loading ...

    Jacksonville’s Population Data

    • City Area 748.8 Sq. miles
    • City Population 1,181,496
    • Household $54,701
    • Renters $1,065
    • Home Occupied56.0%
    Updated: January 2022

    Age of Population

    0 to 19 years 12.0%

    20 to 29 years 15.5%

    30 to 39 years 14.7%

    40 to 49 years 12.1%

    50 to 59 years 13.2%

    60 - 69 years 10.6%

    70 to 79 years 5.7%

    80 + years 3.0%

    Map Area

    Loading ...

    Benefits of Working with a Top Real Estate Agent in Jacksonville

    4 Top Benefits of Working with a Real Estate Agent in Jacksonville

    Hiring a top real estate agent for selling or buying a home in Jacksonville will save you time and money. Here are four reasons you should consider hiring a real estate agent:

    • It’s their job and they have the time and resources you likely don’t have to do it well.
    • They know the market. The best real estate agents live and work in the same area for years, they know it well and can help address your questions and concerns.
    • They are good at negotiating. They work as the middleperson between you and the other party so you can stay behind the scenes.
    • They do the hard work for you. They market your home, make phone calls between interested parties, handle documents, and negotiate the best deal for you.

    Comparing the Top Jacksonville Real Estate Agents

    When browsing through the top Jacksonville real estate agents, you’ll need to know what makes a great real estate agent before making a decision. Here we’ve listed out the qualities that make a great agent to help you narrow it down!



    A top real estate agent takes themselves seriously, and handles every situation with professionalism. A professional real estate agent has a marketable brand, and plenty of online presence.



    A top real estate agent is your go-to for any questions or concerns you may have when it comes to the purchase or sale of your home. They are easy to reach, whether it be via text or phone call.

    Listens to you

    Listens to you

    A real estate agent is always personable with their clients. They take the time to understand their goals, assuage any concerns, and get to know them better.



    A professional real estate agent doesn’t live in the dark ages. They’re constantly up to date on the ever changing real estate market.

    Home Buyers and Home Sellers need not worry about finding an agent in Jacksonville, FL. At FastExpert, we take the time to separate the professionals from the agents you should avoid.

    Top Realtors by Zip Codes in Jacksonville, FL

    One of the best decisions you can make when choosing a real estate agent is finding one that specializes in your market. The more sales an agent has in your specific zip code, the better they will likely be at meeting your needs. Read More...

    The state of Florida has 1466 zip codes with 47 of them in city of Jacksonville. Often agents will service and specialize in multiple zipcodes, especially in bigger cities. In the whole state of Florida there are 196,622 real estate agents as of August 2021. Selecting your zip code below will help narrow your search to agents who know your specific area, ensuring you find the best fit.

    Cities near Jacksonville, FL

    view all cities near Jacksonville, FL


    Get matched by an expert!

    Still having trouble choosing an agent? Let our team of dedicated experts pick one for you! We'll email you our recommendations after you answer a few questions.

    Our team will find the best agent in your area for you.

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    Call our support team toll free at 1 (800) 319-0511

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is a top real estate agent?

    The designation of top real estate agent is only given to those agents who fall into the top 5% of home sales producers in their region. Real estate agents and Realtors given this designation know the market and are skilled at closing transactions. We ensure that the agents we recommend to you are the best. See the top agents by state here. And in the US here.

    Why does choosing the right real estate agent matter in Jacksonville?

    There are many options when looking for the right real estate agent. Whether selling or buying, you want an agent who knows Jacksonville and what it takes to close a deal.

    We ensure that all our top real estate agents are experts in their area and have the track record to prove it. You have priorities, and an agent should understand them and work hard to meet your goals; that is the best way to ensure you have the best experience and come out happy with the process and result.

    How do I know FastExpert has the best real estate agents near me?

    FastExpert is the largest online directory of real estate agents in the US. Our agent directory is opt-in, meaning real estate agents choose to join. Once an agent signs up, we check transaction history and reviews to determine if they qualify as a top real estate agent.

    We use agent reviews and data on past sales history to determine where an agent ranks in a specific area. Our system is based on real client feedback as well as data, so you can trust the results and have confidence that our recommended agents are the best in Jacksonville.

    When should I start looking for a real estate agent?

    The housing market in Jacksonville has its ups and downs. If you want to sell your home, it is a good idea to start looking for a real estate agent in Jacksonville up to a year before listing.

    Your agent may have some recommended repairs or upgrades to help you sell for a higher price. Getting work on your home can take time, which is why talking to an agent sooner than later is always a good idea.

    If you are buying a new home, we recommend to talk to an agent 3-6 months before you hope to move. This allows you time to get to know the market and what you can get for your budget. Your dream home might be available now or you may have to wait a while to find the best fit. Giving yourself some time and wiggle room helps the process go more smoothly.

    How can I use FastExpert to find the top real estate agent in Jacksonville?

    There are two ways to use FastExpert to find the Jacksonville right real estate agent for you. You can let our team of experts find you the best match by answering a few questions about what you are looking for. Our skilled client service team will send you a list of the agents that best fit your needs, and you decide from there.

    Or you can browse our entire agent directory, read reviews, see transaction history, and message an agent directory. It's up to you!

    What questions should I ask when interviewing a Jacksonville real estate agent?

    When looking to hire a real estate agent in Jacksonville, it’s essential to interview a few agents and choose the one that fits your needs best.

    When interviewing, there are some questions to ask to ensure you get information that will help you with your decisions.

    Be sure to ask about where they have worked in the past, what their average price point is, how they like to communicate, and how much they charge for commission. For a full list of recommended questions, see our blog post, Essential Interview Questions to Ask a Real Estate Agent.

    What do real estate agents in Jacksonville do for their commission?

    Jacksonville real estate agents do much more than just put a sign in front of your house. A good Realtor will work with you from the moment you decide to sell your home to after you hand over the key.

    This includes things like working with appraisers to set the right listing price, staging, having pictures taken, preparing the listing, online marketing, open houses, working with individual showings, answering questions, negotiating, closing paperwork, and so much more!

    If you don’t think hiring a real estate agent is worth the money, think about this - according to the National Association of Realtors, in 2021 the average home sold FSBO (for sale by owner) sold for 32% less than the average home sold with a Realtor.

    The Bottom Line

    Choosing a real estate agent in Jacksonville can seem overwhelming, especially with so many agents in Jacksonville who would love to work with you. At FastExpert, we help make the decision easy.

    We provide all the details and information you need about Realtors in Jacksonville so that you can find a trusted real estate agent who understands you.

    With the world’s largest database of real estate agents, you have access to each agent’s profile so you can compare and hire. Check out Jacksonville real estate agent listings, read verified client reviews and easily message your perfect Realtor.

    Or let us do the work for you! Let us know your priorities, and FastExpert will match you with several of the best Jacksonville real estate agents for you to choose from.

    When your money and your memories are involved, you need an advocate by your side. With a FastExpert real estate agent, you can have confidence that you’ll get the best service in all of Jacksonville.

    Have questions? We’re here to help! Message us at [email protected] or call (800) 319-0511.