Mike's Complete Home Inspection, LLC
- Inspection Professionals
- Flint, MI
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Accepted Payments
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Choosing the right home inspector can be difficult. Unlike most professionals, you probably will not get to meet me until after you hire me. Furthermore, different inspectors have varying qualifications, equipment, experience, reporting methods and yes, different pricing. One thing for sure is that home inspections requires work, a lot of work. Ultimately a thorough inspection depends heavily on the individual inspector’s own effort. If you honor me by permitting me to inspect your new home, I guarantee that I will give you my very best effort. This I promise you. Sincerely, Michael A. Herriman Inspected once, Inspected right! ®
View More About Mike Herriman
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Accepted Payments
- Cash
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Services Offered & Rates
Home Inspection
Starting Price: Starting at $425
Estimated Duration:
A home inspection will typically include an examination of the foundation and basement, roof, attic, heating and cooling systems, electrical and plumbing systems, as well as the general condition of the structure itself. The inspector will look for poor construction practices and make note of any repairs that might be required or any general maintenance issues. Importantly, we will also make note of any fire and safety issues that need to be addressed.