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- Boynton Beach, FL
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Want to list in the MLS for sale by owner without paying a realtor commission? Check out ListWithFreedom.com's flat fee MLS listing service. Our company aims to offer the best way to list and sell a house. Listing a property for sale at ListWithFreedom.com is easy and convenient. When you choose a ListWithFreedom.com's listing package, your listings are uploaded to your local MLS where over 90% of homes are sold, and marketed on popular sites like Zillow and Realtor.com. You can sell your home without paying commissions, gain access to all mandatory listing forms and disclosures, and more. ListWithFreedom offers the best ways to sell a house. If you are looking to list on MLS for sale by owner, we can get your house listing set up on local MLS for a low flat fee.