Christopher K. Whaley
- Uncategorized
- Pasadena, MD
Accepted Payments
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I sustain my business on reliability, great communication, integrity, and quality work. I strongly believe in giving the absolute best in all of my projects. I am an expert in the trade as well as a licensed Realtor and will always keep you educated on your particular task or project while keeping abreast of the ever changing industry standards through various educational platforms and assisting each client with its specific goal oriented measures. As a Certified appraiser and local Realtor with years of hands on experience in the Greater Maryland area i have completed various types of assignments to include Complex and Unique parcels, Water Oriented, Urban, Historical, Rural, Litigation, Loss Mitigation, Expert Witness Testimony and more all while offering dedicated commitment in providing sound and viable valuations and services ! I do hope to help you next...
Accepted Payments
- Cash
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- Checks
- Paypal
Business Hours
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