The Hardest Part of Selling a House: Overcoming Challenges


|6 min read

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Selling a house is often one of the most significant financial transactions in a person’s life. The process can be stressful, with many challenges to navigate. From decluttering to the demands of buyers, let’s take a look at the hardest part of selling a house and how to navigate it.

In this article, you’ll discover:

  • How to effectively stage your home for potential buyers
  • Strategies for pricing your home competitively
  • Tips for managing showings
  • Ways to handle the buyer’s home inspection
  • Navigating legal complexities with ease

Following this advice will put you in a much better position for a successful home sale.

With almost forty years of experience as a Realtor, I can tell you that selling a home is not rocket science. While it can be stressful, it will be easier to overcome all the hurdles when you understand what you’ll encounter.

The bottom line is selling your house doesn’t have to be daunting. If you are a first-time seller, you’ll love our advice and essential tips. Read on to discover practical advice and real-world insights you can use.

Common Challenges and How to Address Them

1. Staging Your Home

Staging a house can significantly impact a buyer’s first impression. To ensure your home looks its best, follow these principles:

  • Declutter: Remove personal items and excess furniture to make spaces appear more prominent. Individual items can distract buyers, making it difficult for them to envision themselves in the space.
  • Clean Thoroughly: A spotless home suggests it’s well-maintained. Pay special attention to kitchens and bathrooms, as these areas can be deal-breakers.
  • Neutral Decor: Use neutral colors to appeal to a broader audience. Bold colors or unique decor might not suit everyone’s taste, potentially turning off some buyers.
  • Highlight Best Features: Arrange furniture to showcase the home’s strengths, such as a beautiful fireplace, large windows, or spacious rooms.

Actionable Advice:

  • Rent a storage for personal items and excess furniture. This helps declutter and creates a more spacious look.
  • Hire a professional cleaner for a deep clean. Cleanliness can leave a lasting impression.
  • Consider hiring a professional stager for expert advice. They can provide a fresh perspective and help optimize the space.

Seller’s Story: John struggled with staging his home. After hiring a professional stager, he received multiple offers within a week.

2. Pricing Your Home Competitively

Pricing a home correctly is crucial. Overpricing can lead to long periods on the market, while underpricing can mean losing money.

Strategies for Effective Pricing:

  • Market Research: Look at comparable home sales in your area. This gives you a baseline for pricing.
  • Consult a Real Estate Agent: Use an agent’s expertise to set a realistic price. They have access to more detailed market data. They will give you accurate pricing so you’ll end up with a desirable offer from a buyer.
  • Flexible Pricing Strategy: Be prepared to adjust the price based on market feedback. A stagnant listing can benefit from a price reduction to attract more interest.

Actionable Advice:

  • Get a comparative market analysis from multiple agents. This ensures you have a broad view of the market.
  • Be realistic about your home’s value and current market conditions. Emotional attachment can sometimes lead to overpricing. The wrong price can significantly impact the time it takes to sell a house.

Seller’s Story: Emma initially overpriced her home, and it sat on the market without selling. She then worked with a new agent, adjusted the price, and she sold her home within a month.

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3. Dealing with Showings

Showings and open houses are necessary but can be inconvenient and stressful.

Tips for Managing Showings:

  • Flexible Scheduling: Accommodate potential buyers’ schedules as much as possible. The more accessible your home is, the more potential buyers you can attract.
  • Maintain Cleanliness: Keep your home clean and tidy at all times. This ensures that the house is always ready for last-minute showings. Home showings go well when the property looks its best.
  • Secure Valuables: Ensure personal and valuable items are safely stored away. This prevents any risk of theft or damage during showings.

Actionable Advice:

  • Develop a schedule that minimizes disruptions. This can help manage stress and maintain a routine.
  • Create a checklist for quick cleanups before showings. This ensures the home is always presentable.

Seller’s Story: Mark and Lisa found showings disruptive. They created a schedule with large time blocks for potential buyers to view the home. In addition, they made a pre-showing checklist to ensure the house was in order. This structure made the process smoother and less stressful.

4. Getting Past the Buyer’s Home Inspection

A buyer’s home inspection can reveal issues you might not know about. Although this is item number four, it is my number one challenge for sellers. Even as a Realtor, I often feel uneasy myself until the home inspection is completed.

Handling the Inspection:

  • Pre-Inspection: I recommend a pre-inspection to identify and fix issues beforehand. This can help you address problems before they become deal-breakers.
  • Honesty: Be upfront about any known issues with your home. Transparency builds trust with potential buyers.
  • Negotiate Repairs: Be willing to negotiate repairs or price reductions. Flexibility can keep the deal moving forward.

Actionable Advice:

  • Hire a home inspector before listing your home. This helps you address issues proactively.
  • Fix significant issues that could deter buyers. Investing in repairs can prevent negotiations from falling through.

Seller’s Story: Harris and Emma faced challenges with their home. They decided to have a pre-inspection and fix issues in advance, making the process smoother. Their due diligence and home improvements may have saved their transaction and given the buyer confidence that they’re buying a solid home. Even new construction can have problems that need correcting.

The legal aspects of selling a home can be complex and overwhelming.

Simplifying Legal Processes:

  • Hire a Real Estate Attorney: Ensure all legal documents are correct and in order. An attorney can help navigate complex legal requirements.
  • Understand Contracts: Read and understand all contracts and agreements. This prevents misunderstandings and legal issues.
  • Stay Informed: Stay updated with any legal requirements in your area. Regulations can vary widely, so staying informed is crucial.

Actionable Advice:

  • Consult with a real estate attorney early in the process. This ensures all legal bases are covered from the start. Ask your real estate agent for their recommended attorney.
  • Use checklists to track all legal documents and deadlines. This helps prevent any oversights.

Seller’s Story: Emily found the legal aspects daunting. With the help of a real estate attorney, she navigated the complexities smoothly and sold her house without issues.

Insights from Real Estate Agents and Professionals

Agent’s advice: “Proper pricing is key. Many homes sit on the market because they are overpriced.”

Stager’s Tip: “First impressions matter. A clean, well-staged home can sell faster and for more money.”

Attorney’s Warning: “Don’t overlook the legal details. Simple mistakes in paperwork can delay or derail a sale.”


Selling a house involves many challenges, and the hardest part of selling a house is a personal preference. However, it can be smooth with the right strategies.

  • Staging: Make your home appealing to potential buyers by decluttering, cleaning, and using neutral decor.
  • Pricing: Research the market and consult with real estate agents to set a competitive and realistic price. With an accurate price, you won’t need to pray that your home sells.
  • Showings: Manage showings effectively by being flexible, maintaining cleanliness, and securing valuables.
  • Inspection: Be prepared for the buyer’s inspection by conducting a pre-inspection and addressing significant issues.
  • Legalities: Navigate legal complexities with the help of a real estate attorney and by staying informed about local regulations.

For your next step, consider reading about enhancing your home’s curb appeal to attract even more buyers.


>>The Best (and Worst) Time to Sell Your Home

>>12 Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Your Home

>>Ask a Licensed Real Estate Agent for Advice

Bill Gassett RE/MAX Executive Realty

Bill Gassett is a trusted resource in the real estate industry, having three decades of experience. He is an authority that buyers, sellers, and fellow real estate agents seek guidance and expertise.

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