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Dickson Realty
Reno, NV
123 Answers
eXp Realty, LLC
Columbia, SC
91 Answers
RE/MAX Market Place
Oak Creek, WI
83 Answers
Charter One Realty
Beaufort, SC
81 Answers
Real Broker NY LLC
60 Answers
Realty 100 LLC
South Barrington, IL
47 Answers
I'm planning to purchase a new construction home. Do you recommend that I still get a home inspection even though it's a new home?
How can I buy a new property using the property I currently live in and own? I need the money from the sale of this property to buy the next one.
How long can I wait to buy a home and avoid capital gains tax?
Can I avoid paying capital gains tax? If so, how? I'm planning to sell and buy within the next year or so, but not immediately.
I know I need to remove clutter, but what can I keep on my kitchen counter? Is the coffee maker, knives and spoon container ok? Should I put out some decoration or is that clutter?
Should I replace my outdated light fixtures before selling? Will something that small add value and help me sell for more? Or should I just leave them and let the next person replace them?
What are red flags to look for on a home tour? While I understand some things are personal preference, are there specific red flags for homes for the average person?
How do I find out the history of a property? How can I search a property's public records?
Do I need to contact my mortgage company before I sell my house?
The buyers of my home have already started getting mail. I'm assuming they forwarded it but they don't own our house yet. What can I do about it? We still have another 6 weeks.
What is title insurance? Should I get it?
I want to buy a home that is under my budget but it would need a lot of renovations. Since the bank will only loan me money for the price of the house, where can I get money for the renovations? Can I get a reno loan?
How long do I need to stay in a house before selling it? Is it a waste financially if I don't stay in it for a certain length of time? Thanks.
I have lived in a home for eight years that has been sold? The real estate company has given me 60 days to pack and move. Are they allowed to come and go into my home at any time they want even if I’m not there.
The information typed is not accurate. I am looking in Charlotte or Ashville NC for $250,000 to $325,000 house or townhouse/condo.