My listing photos are from the holidays. Decorations are up in the photos because we were hoping it would sell. Now that the holidays are over should I have new photos taken?
Asked By Susan | Green Bay, WI | 319 views | Selling | 1 year ago
It is actually a good idea to update season photos or as needed -- especially if your property has been on the market for a little while. Real estate agents many times pay for professional photography (which can be expensive) and may not want to pay to have a full photography package done again just because the Christmas tree is down. I usually try to not take photos of listings with holiday decor in them (easter, halloween, summer patriotic, thanksgiving & christmas). Swapping out a few of the exterior seasonal (with or without leaves) and updated the main advertised image is a good way to get a refresh on your listing.
I love a home decorated for Christmas. That said, you should get new photos. Holiday decor in photos will only highlight that your home has been on the market a while. New photos, and some new marketing to do a little listing refresh is a great idea.
It may seem like an added expense, but I think new photos are a great idea. For the same reason that stores change out their merchandise the day after Christmas, your photos tell a story. Best of luck!
It’s not uncommon for multiple siblings to own a property, usually because they inherited a childhood home or vacation house when their parents passed away. Joint ownership has several benefits, especially if each sibling wants to keep the home in the family’s possession.
However, there are some additional financial and legal consideration