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Security cameras inside a home?

When there are security cameras inside a home, should I comment on the home? It feels weird to know that the current owner may be watching and taking note of what I say. Is it better to just silently walk through the home and discuss afterwards away from the home?
Asked By Angel | Portland, ME | 249 views | Tips Advice | 1 year ago
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Depending on your state -- Sellers do not have to let agents or Buyers know if there are cameras inside or outside of the home. One of the first counseling items we tell Buyer clients is hold off chatting about the house until we are back in the car -- especially if they really like it. If the home Seller know the potential Buyer is very enthusiastic about the home -- it could affect their negotiation. Keep a poker face!
Marjorie Turner

RE/MAX Collaborative


With technology advancing you never know if you are being watched or listened to in homes. It is a good idea to wait until you have left the home to discuss it with your Realtor!
Tyler Myers

Lime Realty


I absolutely tell my clients to watch what they say inside the home. If there is a camera in the house, you can almost bet they are listening to it. I have had seller clients call me and tell me the conversations people are having in the home. They will even talk about the offers they are going to send in, not knowing the sellers are listening. Be careful!

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