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If my area redistricts schools can I still get in a school?

We bought specifically to be in a good school district. My kids are young and now they are talking about redistricting, and we'd be in a different highschool by the time my kids are old enough. What can I do if I don't want to move?
Asked By Mimi | Cullman, AL | 505 views | Schools | 2 years ago
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83 Answers
Marty & Abby Champagne

RE/MAX Market Place


Talk to the school district. I know in Wisconsin they do allow this to happen,
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Melissa Key

Woodland Realty, Inc.


Hello! This question could be answered so differently for each school district. To get the most accurate advice you would need to contact your local school superintendent and have this discussion. In most sought-after school districts it may be quite difficult to petition the school to allow your children to attend.
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Jake & Yuliana Bond

RSVP Real Estate


We have experienced much success in petitioning the school for access based on availability. Depending on availability most schools reserve a certain number of exceptions for students that may need to attend due to overcrowding in other areas. This is probably why they redrew the lines anyway.
Kristina Tickle

eXp, Realty


The best option is to talk to the school district. Here in Memphis/Germantown TN they will allow a certain amount of transfer students.

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  • If my area redistricts schools can I still get in a school?

    We bought specifically to be in a good school district. My kids are young and now they are talking about redistricting, and we'd be in a different highschool by the time my kids are old enough. What can I do if I don't want to move?

    • Asked by Mimi
    • Cullman, AL
    • Schools
    • 2 years ago