I have been renting my house in PA for the last 3 years and am ready to sell. I know it is in rough shape but I'm not sure how much money to put into it before listing. It could use new carpet and paint, there is also some wood rot on the three-seasons room. Will I make more if I fix everything first?
Asked By Alpa R. | Goshen, CT | 607 views | Selling | 2 years ago
Hi Alpa. I always ask my clients what their priority is. If it is timing, perhaps an “as-is” sale is appropriate. If it is maximizing your profit, then doing a few repairs/upgrades may be in order. An experienced local Realtor will be able to advise you best on the current market and what to do. Best of luck!
Hi Alpa, it depends as always. First thoughts, if you take care of the obvious defects, it will enhance your value a lot. As interest rates have increased, people have gotten picker on what they buy, places that a few months ago were selling very easily as-is now are having a hard time so there may be a difference in pricing that may not be acceptable to you. Once you discuss with your agent, you can make a game plan knowing the numbers as-is and knowing the numbers when rehabbed or cleaned up. Its not always clear cut, sometimes there is strong enough demand that going on the market sooner may help more than waiting. You need all of the data to make a good decision.
Dont ever advertise "As-is" it gives the wrong impression that there are major issues with the house. Be willing to negotiate with the inspections in the form of credits or repairs. That is the best way to get the best price. Good Luck.
It’s always hard to gauge without seeing the property but for example if it cost you $2500-$5000 to bring the house up to pristine shape and it would allow you to make 2x-3x on your money would it make sense.
Have you gotten a realtor to come out and take a look? This might help make all the difference.
-Briahna Savage
Licensed Realtor NY, & PA
[email protected]
It’s not uncommon for multiple siblings to own a property, usually because they inherited a childhood home or vacation house when their parents passed away. Joint ownership has several benefits, especially if each sibling wants to keep the home in the family’s possession.
However, there are some additional financial and legal consideration