How long is a normal buyers house search agreement?
I'm starting my house search and I'm a first time buyer. The agent I'm talking to wants me to sign a contract stating that I'll only use him until I find a home to purchase. I totally understand exclusivity, but I also don't want to be locked into this agent if after a month we don't vibe. What's normal for these buyer contracts?
Asked By Brinley | San Diego, CA | 113 views | Buying | 2 months ago
A Buyer Broker agency agreement can be property, day, weekend or several month specific. It is important for the Buyer and the Agent to have a good relationship between them. If its not a good match -- either should not be committed to being locked into a contract. Buying a home is stressful enough and having a great agent that you like is important to make the experience memorable. The same goes for the agent -- if the Buyers are syncing with the agent -- that agent should not have to continue to work with someone that they do not fit well with. Start out small and if it is working -- then commit.
The way that I do it is, We will sit down and have an in person meeting. You see I look at it as you are interviewing the person for the job position of becoming your Realtor, and the Realtor is interviewing you to be there client. The meeting should take about an hour, that should include the Realtor explaining how the Buyers Agency Contract works and what benefits you receive from it. The Realtor should also be ready to prove there worth to you by having the a copy of the blank paperwork sitting there for you to hold and look over. You should also be ready to answer questions from the Realtor as well. You should both be ready to do home searching and setting appointments. You will know during this time if it is a good fit. The laws may/do differ from state as well so you have to take that into consideration too. Good luck in your searching if you need more advice or just want to talk to a Realtor please call me at (502) 558-5112. My name is Pete Gonatas Realtor with Coldwell Banker McMahan. We also have offices in California so if you would like I can Refer you to a Licensed Realtor that will help you.
As a first time home buyer it is important to vet your agent. How long have they been in the business and what is their reputation. I suggest checking their online reviews and experience. Once you find the "right" agent to guide you through the process, I suggest signing a 1 month exclusive agrement. If you are happy with their service then extend the agreement.I hope this is helpful TT
You want to be committed to the agent the same way you want the agent to be committed to you. DIscuss it with them and come up with a reasonable timeframe. Why not sign a 2 week agreement and see how it goes. Then sign a 90 day agreement and get this done.
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