I'm thinking of selling, but I'm wondering if the election will impact my sale. I'm not desperate to sell, so I could wait until after the election and sell next spring if that's a better time. Can you give me your opinion on how the election impacts the housing market?
Asked By Francis | Baltimore, MD | 174 views | Selling | 5 months ago
This is my 5th Presidential election cycle and my advice is to either list right after Labor day or wait until spring 2025. If you get to 30 days within the election then you might see people put a large financial decision like buying a home. The nice thing about most MLS is that you can come to the market and then come offer for a said period of time and restart with 0 days on market. Good luck Concord, Ma real estate
Hi there Francis, election years do certainly influence the real estate market as a whole. However, most agents are seeing alot of homes selling quickly at prices that are very reasonable. Regardless of the political temperature in the country, if a home is priced CORRECTLY it will sell. There are many factors that determine what CORRECTLY is for your market. You really need someone who is familiar with your area on your side. Call me at 361-557-4325, I have an extensive network of hard working top producers who think like I do (Putting clients first!) that I would love to hook you up with.
The decision to sell comes down to what is the right time for YOU! With the low sales over the last 12-18 months inventory is building in most markets. Homes are on the market a little longer BUT with an impending interest rate decrease (somewhat influenced by the election) AND interest rates already leveling and not rising, with the decrease will come buyers who have held off and the inventory will again be depleted. This fall and winter may end up being the prime sales months for 2024. Past sales history has had the end of the first and second quaters of the year as the best months for sales. The BEST time what works for you. If you dont have to buy and can take advantage of the hot fall selling season, you may choose to do so!
We expect that the rates will decrease with the upcoming election but you have to sell when it feels right. Start the searching now just to get your feet wet of what is out there.
It’s not uncommon for multiple siblings to own a property, usually because they inherited a childhood home or vacation house when their parents passed away. Joint ownership has several benefits, especially if each sibling wants to keep the home in the family’s possession.
However, there are some additional financial and legal consideration