Are there ways to find out if a neighborhood is safe? Can a real estate agent answer that when looking in specific areas, or are they not allowed to say anything about safety in a neighborhood? Thanks!
Asked By Peter | Stockbridge, GA | 274 views | Tips Advice | 1 year ago
Good Morning as a realtor we are not allowed to answer that , normally I answer with look on google or due your diligence as a buyer to see what are your dislikes and likes about the areas.
Several risks come with not paying your credit card bills. You may accrue late fees and interest that further increase your debt, your credit card company may send your account to collections, and you may have a damaged credit score – making it harder to secure loans in the future.
One option that creditors have is to put a lien on your hous
Life as a single mom requires a delicate financial balance as you ensure the needs of your kids and yourself are thoroughly met. However, that doesn’t mean homeownership is out of reach. Studies by LendingTree have found that single women own more homes than single men – 2.71 million more homes to be exact. The homeownership rate for single mo