Sandra, If you are paying cash an appraisal may not be needed. If you are financing the finance institution will order an appraisal to determine if the risk of loaning money is a good deal for them. Costs of appraisals are going up drastically because of the short supply of appraisers and big demand for their expertise.
I agree with Shelly at RE/MAX, and unfortunately most often you will be paying for the appraisal in advance. In effect you wont know the market value until that appraisal is done. There are a few online tools that can estimate value, but the appraiser will take more into consideration than the online estimates. If you are working with an agent, chances are they have access to tools to let you know if your close. If the property doesn't appraise, you can try to renegotiate, however every deal is unique to its parties so no way to know going in. Lean on your agent for help on this.
Hot tubs and spas are an increasingly popular home accessory, especially in luxury homes.
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Several risks come with not paying your credit card bills. You may accrue late fees and interest that further increase your debt, your credit card company may send your account to collections, and you may have a damaged credit score – making it harder to secure loans in the future.
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