There are many loan officers who offer how to clean up your credit so that you can purchase a home. I would just call and ask if they have a program to help clear up credit. OR I do work with a guy who does wonders. His name is Mark David he works with CMG Financial #262-953-2463
If it can be done, I assure you, the Loan Factory will be the place.
Loan Factory
Billy Nguyen
Cell (469) 585-4498
[email protected]
2505 South Great Southwest Parkway
Grand Prairie, TX 75052
Tony Ayoub
There is a lenders they can work with low credit or they might help you clean your credit, you need to call some lenders for clearfications.
Many homeowners want to buy their next property before selling their current one. Moving from one house to another is easier if you already have a place to move to. It’s also easier to identify which items you want to take and which ones you won't need if you already know what your future house looks like.
However, getting a mortgage fo