Are listing photos included with the agents service?
Are listing photos included with the agent's service when we sell our home? Obviously someone has to pay for the photos. I'm just wondering if they're a separate line item that I pay for or if the agent pays for them.
Asked By Bethany | Austin, TX | 402 views | Selling | 10 months ago
Depends on the agent you use. Some include them others do not. Some say a lower commission amount but make you pay for the extras. So be sure to ask your realtor all these questions upfront.
More often than not, this is part of the services a sellers agent provides. The agent should clearly state what they are going to do to sell your home before you hire them.
There are listing photos and then there are professionally photographed listing photos. Each agent is different, and you should ask each agent you interview about their marketing plan, specifically the listing photos.
That’s a great question given the national Association of realtors settlement on Friday. It has traditionally been included with the commission. I personally always provide listing photos from my clients.
Agents may have different packages (for example- silver, gold, platinum, etc.) with varying commission rates based on the services included. I would consider professional (or professional-quality) photographs to be part of the marketing services that an agent should provide.
Hello Carlos! Every agent is different on what is included in their listing presentation to a seller but I would say that most likely cover the cost of photos. I know I do because I want good quality photos, they are the single most important item to properly marketing a property.
Yes! I always will pay for professional photos for my listings and do NOT ask my sellers for reimbursement as it is part of the services provided on the listing.
It’s not uncommon for multiple siblings to own a property, usually because they inherited a childhood home or vacation house when their parents passed away. Joint ownership has several benefits, especially if each sibling wants to keep the home in the family’s possession.
However, there are some additional financial and legal consideration