Closing costs and down payments are 2 different things. Your lender will itemize them for you. Some loans allow sellers to help with your down payment, but most loans do not. A good lender will also look for grant money for you. Your lender is enormously important in this transaction. They can cost you or save you quite a bit of money. Choose wisely! Your Realtor can help you with that.
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Being a real estate agent, like any service job, can be tricky to navigate, especially when you are just getting started. Many of the connections between home buyers or sellers and agents are made through word of mouth. Odds are, if you told a group of your friends that you were l
There are multiple types of distressed properties that investors can look for. As you start your investment search, you may come across REOs, otherwise known as real estate-owned properties. REO properties are homes that have gone through the foreclosure process but did not sell at auction. This means they are now owned by the lender – usually a