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  • Can a house sale fall through at closing?

    The home seller has been very skittish throughout the selling process. We've had to jump through a lot of hoops just to keep the process moving because we really want this house. We're days away from closing and we're wondering if the seller can back out AT the closing? Even if we're half way though signing the paperwork and they back out, is that an option?

    • Asked by Nick
    • Franklin, TN
    • Buying
    • 6 days ago
  • What does broom swept mean?

    We're selling our home, what does broom swept mean? We're conscious people and want to provide a clean environment, but I also don't want to go overboard and burden ourselves unnecessarily.

    • Asked by Nicole
    • Salt Lake City, UT
    • Selling
    • 6 days ago
  • What if a home seller doesn't remove their stuff?

    What if a home seller doesn't remove their stuff before closing? We're days away from closing and did a recent walkthrough. It looks like they haven't even begun to pack up and have given signs that they may not...What if we close on the house and all their stuff is there? Or worse, what if we close and they won't move out?

    • Asked by Jeremy
    • Dallas, TX
    • Buying
    • 6 days ago
  • I did a deal 17 years ago and I do not have paperwork ?

    I did a deal 17 years ago and the buyer called me to say that there was asbestos and claims it was there since they bought the home. The home had a home inspector but I do not remember who it was or the lawyer.What do I do in this case? I did not know what to pick for Category.I shridded all my files after 10 years

  • What are ways to save money on a mortgage?

    Are there ways to get a lower interest rate on a mortgage? Or to save money somehow? I've seen posts about this, but I don't know what to do, say, or how to ask the right questions.

  • How to cancel an agent from listing my property ?

    Not satisfied with agent and unable to contact at the time to sell the property.voice mail after voicemail and no return calls

    • Asked by James Norwood
    • Chicago, IL
    • Selling
    • 3 weeks ago
  • Tax?

    If I live in South Carolina and bought a house in Pennsylvania or my daughter pays the mortgage do I have to claim that?

    • Asked by Kelly
    • Myrtle Beach, SC
    • Tips & Advice
    • 3 weeks ago
  • What if a home appraises for more than the offer?

    I'm worried the home will appraise for more than what I offered. The seller agreed to the offer and we both seem fine with it. But if the appraisal is more than to the offer will I need to pay more to get the house?

    • Asked by Cameron
    • Marina del Rey, CA
    • Buying
    • 3 weeks ago
  • How do I get a home out of foreclosure?

    How do I get a home out of foreclosure? How long does it take? What are the steps? Do I need an attorney or real estate agent?

  • I would like to talk to the agent selling?

    I'm from the HOA and I wanted to make sure that this sale is to a new homeowner. I'm concerned about someone renting out the property. Is there an agent who can find out this information?

    • Asked by Linda Lee Franklin
    • wichita, FL
    • Selling
    • 3 weeks ago
  • Where can I find first time home buyer help?

    I've heard that there's help for first time home buyers. Where can I find first time home buyer help? How do I know if I qualify for it? And if I do qualify, is there any drawback to pursuing this assistance for first time home buyers?

    • Asked by Maggie
    • Cedarville, OH
    • Buying
    • 3 weeks ago
  • Using one property as collateral to buy a second property?

    Would it be possible to use a current condominium as collateral to purchase (trade up) to a second condo with the idea of moving from the first one to the second condo? The reason I ask is because I would like to move to Springfield, IL, but may have to settle for the Champaign-Urbana area if nothing materializes in Springfield over a specific time-frame. If I bought a property in Champaign, I would look to transition to Springfield as soon as a desirable property was available. Thanks for your time.

    • Asked by Paul
    • Springfield, IL
    • Buying
    • 1 month ago
  • What happens to your home when you die?

    Wondering both for myself and aging parent. I am hesitant to ask my parent about it or they'll think I'm wishing this on them. But I'm also wondering what will happen? Or is there something we should talk about to prepare? I know it's a tough topic, but it's also a reality.

    • Asked by Justine
    • Elk Grove Village, IL
    • Tips & Advice
    • 1 month ago
  • Is land a good investment?

    We've wanted to buy a second home with the hope of renting it, but financially that is out of reach right now. So, we're considering buying land and just waiting to build until we have the finances to do so. I know it wouldn't give us an income like a rental, but it's also something we can afford and would hopefully gain value over time. Worst case, we would sell it in the future. So, is land a good investment?

    • Asked by David
    • Union Pier, MI
    • Investing
    • 1 month ago
  • Where can I find a realtor who deals in HUD homes, foreclos?

    Rent to own. 74 yr old retired senior needs a place to live. first time home buyer. Any part of town is good.

  • What will Trump's housing initiative do?

    Can you explain what Trump's housing ideas mean? Will this affect my home value? Or will it make it cheaper to buy a new home? Who does this affect? And how? Can you explain it in basic terms? TY.

  • I am currently paying for a fully finished basement ?

    Two of the bedrooms we counted have cement floors in one room is no walls or ceiling just the boards. How do I know if those count towards square footage and therefore my payment.

    • Asked by Annette L Meldrum
    • Orem, FL
    • Tips & Advice
    • 1 month ago
  • Does my realtor have a legal responsibility to disclose ?

    We bought a house and moved into Jan 3. That night the furnace went out. It was high efficiency furnace in attic. Condensation and freezing caused to stop. Roof also needs replaced sooner than we were led to believe. Had 4 HVAC pros say to replace it. Shouldn’t our realtor made us completely aware of the problems?

    • Asked by Ylanza Stockweather
    • Mackinaw, IL
    • Buying
    • 1 month ago
  • Am I responsible for paying debts?

    My dad unexpectedly passed away. He was behind on his mortgage and all of his bills. Am I expected to come up with the money to pay all of this? I don't have the money to pay for everything he owes. What do I do?

  • Splitting with partner. How do I get my share of the house?

    My partner and I own a house together. However, I paid the entire downpayment. We're splitting up and my partner is insisting that we split the proceeds 50/50. But I should get a bigger percentage of the sale, since I paid the downpayment. What are my options for getting my fair share? If my partner refuses, do I need to hire a lawyer?

    • Asked by Collin
    • New York, NY
    • Selling
    • 1 month ago
  • Can my house not be photographed?

    We're selling our house. Can we ask that the inside of our house not be photographed? We're private people and don't want photos of our house or our kids rooms floating around or put on social media. We have professional listing photos, and would prefer that any potential buyer refer to those. We could even compromise and allow personal photos after an offer is put in. However, we don't want casual buyers coming through our house and taking photos and videos of it. It makes us uncomfortable. How do we navigate this?

    • Asked by Juanita
    • Chula Vista, CA
    • Selling
    • 1 month ago
  • The state wants to buy my house?

    The state wants to buy my house, but I don't want to move. Do I have to sell it to them? I also think I could get more for my house than what the state is offering me. Do I use a real estate agent to negotiate for me? Or do I get a lawyer? It doesn't seem right that they can just take my house and lowball me.

  • Insurance went way up can’t afford it?

    My home insurance went up $300/month. It’s so unexpected and out of my budget. Now I can’t afford my house payments. What are my options? I really don’t want to sell, but am I forced to since I can’t afford this?

  • Home appraised lower?

    Our home appraised $10K lower than the offer. We'd like to get a second appraisal or push back. Our real estate agent says we should just accept the lower price. The appraiser isn't from this area and we feel like they didn't fairly appraise the house. What are our options? Can we contest the appraisal?

    • Asked by Dominic
    • San Francisco, CA
    • Selling
    • 2 months ago
  • Do I need to be pre-approved before I find an agent?

    Do I need a mortgage preapproval before I find an agent? I have a general idea of budget, so can I start looking at homes while I work on preapproval? Or will an agent not want to work with me if I'm not preapproved?

    • Asked by Morgan
    • Santa Ana, CA
    • Buying
    • 2 months ago
  • Are there benefits for rent to own?

    I'm considering selling my house. I'm not in a rush and wondering the best way to go about it. As a seller, are there any benefits for me if I do a rent to own agreement? I understand how that's good for the renter/buyer. But as the landlord/seller, is there any benefit for me?

    • Asked by Daryl
    • Memphis, TN
    • Renting
    • 2 months ago
  • Renting back sold house, who pays maintenance?

    I sold my house and I'm renting it back for 4 months. It worked best for both the buyer and myself to have this agreement. Since I'm renting, who is responsible for paying for the maintenance of the house? The dishwasher recently stopped working correctly. I'd like to call a professional to fix it. I think it's the responsibility of the new buyer to pay for the fix, but the buyer is refusing and says it's on me.

    • Asked by Jerome
    • Hartford, CT
    • Renting
    • 2 months ago
  • Buying single family recent fire damge?

    I want to purchase a property that was recently in a kitchen fire how do I purchase and get money for rehab ?

  • How long is a normal buyers house search agreement?

    I'm starting my house search and I'm a first time buyer. The agent I'm talking to wants me to sign a contract stating that I'll only use him until I find a home to purchase. I totally understand exclusivity, but I also don't want to be locked into this agent if after a month we don't vibe. What's normal for these buyer contracts?

    • Asked by Brinley
    • San Diego, CA
    • Buying
    • 2 months ago
  • Have a lien on my house need to sell ?

    House needs remodeling so I can get top dollar or I will lose hundreds of thousands sell as is for 500,000 remodeled its worth close to 1 million

  • What constitutes a legal bedroom in MA?

    Can a room be considered a "bedroom" if it's a throughway to another bedroom? (Example, bedroom "A" has 1 door and windows. However that rooms only door exits into a "secondary" bedroom/ Bedroom B. So Bedroom B has 2 doors, one to enter Bedroom A & one door to get into a mudroom, then living room and kitchen. ) Picture the floor plan as a squared U almost lol. It works, but not well at times lol. Thanks you and Happy Holidays everyone

  • Is there a difference between a selling and buying agent?

    I want to sell my house. I talked to an agent that has only helped people buy houses, but he wants to help me sell my house. I'm wondering if he lacks experience or training and if he's qualified to sell since he hasn't done it before.

    • Asked by Wendy
    • Branson, MO
    • Selling
    • 3 months ago
  • Should I take my house off the market for the holidays?

    Should I take my house off the market for the holidays and then relist in January? Or is it better to just leave it on. I don't want to deal with showings during the holidays and I think it will be slow anyway. If I take the house off the market and relist does that look bad? Or is it bad if I leave the house on the market and it sits for days and days? Then it seems like the listing is dead

    • Asked by Mandy
    • San Antonio, TX
    • Selling
    • 3 months ago
  • Can you purchase land with a credit card?

    We found a plot of land that we like. We can cover most of the cost, but have about $20K that we need to finance. Instead of going through the bank and a mortgage, we're thinking of simply putting it on a credit card that we'll try to aggressively pay off. There's options for low interest cards for the first year, and that may benefit us. Is this even possible though?

  • Can I bring my dog to a showing?

    Can I bring my dog to a showing? I'm spending hours seeing houses, and can't be away from my dog for that long. It's so hard to find a home and I want to start taking my dog with me. Maybe my dog will help lead me to a good home and I'd like to start taking him with me to the houses.

    • Asked by Olivia
    • Long Beach, CA
    • Buying
    • 3 months ago
  • Can I modify an offer contract after the inspection period?

    Can I modify an offer contract after the inspection period? We put an offer on a house, had the inspection and negotiated a new offer contract based on the inspection. We didn't want to lose the house and so we didn't ask for the seller to do much to fix the issues. Since then we've gone back to the house and some of the issues that came up in the inspection feel bigger than we initially thought. We don't want to walk away from the house, but we're wondering if we can go back to the seller and ask them for repairs or money for these repairs.

    • Asked by Blaine
    • Scottsdale, AZ
    • Buying
    • 3 months ago
  • Is a loan from a seller a bad idea?

    Is a loan from a seller a bad idea? The seller is offering a loan as part of the deal. The interest rate is below what I could get from a bank, but I'm worried about a shady deal.

  • Can an agent enforce payment of non mandatory POA dues?

    My community has a POA. Our covenants have no mandatory dues written or listed anywhere in them. Our POA board interchanges the use of HOA/POA terminology to illicit mandatory dues from property owners selling their homes and land. The POA a few years back hired a property management company who were also real estate agents to manage the financial side of the association. In doing so they were given a set of bylaws stating the association had mandatory dues. These bylaws did not align themselves to our covenants. Anyone not paying those annual dues were told they would have to pay when selling their property at closing. The management company shared this information with all the other realtor groups in the county. Also, informing title companies there was a transfer fee to be paid by seller at time of closing. If the seller refused to pay any " outstanding" fees the sale of property could /would be jeopardized and risked the sale not going through. This situation is illegal, the covenants do not subscribe to mandatory fees of any description in the entirety of the document, and therfore real estate companies have no right to enforce this and should stop demanding this from sellers. How can we stop real-estate agents giving potential buyers false information about mandatory dues and transfer fees, and forcing sellers to pay for fees that are not mandatory?

  • Is an ARM loan risky?

    Is an ARM loan risky? I'm considering taking out an ARM loan at a lower interest rate with the hope of refinancing before the rate increases. Is this a good idea to save money on interest now while the rates are high? Or is it too risky?

  • If I'm sick should I show my house?

    Should I show my house if I'm sick? Or should I cancel the showings until I'm not contagious? Of course, I wouldn't stay in the house for the showings, but I'm wondering if having a showing when germs are in the house is a no-no. Also, I don't want to miss out on a potential buyer by canceling showings for several days.

    • Asked by Esther
    • Pittsburgh, PA
    • Selling
    • 4 months ago
  • Paying my Dads mortgage.?

    My Dad bought a house 2 years ago and I've made all the mortgage payments since. He has never lived in the home. I'm wondering if everything he is doing is legal? Or is this considered mortgage fraud.

    • Asked by William Wiita
    • Mandan, ND
    • Home Loans
    • 4 months ago
  • I want to sell my home but it wasn’t professionally built?

    The home is an owner built home. No professional builder was involved. Everything was done by the owner who was not a licensed or skilled contractor. How does the market value these homes? Would it qualify for financing or cash only? Do I have to sell it As-is and/or disclose it as an owner built home?

    • Asked by Rhen H
    • Anderson, SC
    • Selling
    • 4 months ago
  • Can I choose to sell my home for less than it's worth?

    I want to downsize and sell my home to one of my kids. I'm not looking to make a profit on my kid and would rather sell the house at a loss compared to its current value. I've owned the home for 45 years and it's gone up a lot in value. Can I choose the price to sell the home and sell is for way under the value of the home?

    • Asked by Mary
    • Portland, OR
    • Buying
    • 4 months ago
  • I am adding a metal barn to my property ?

    I am adding a metal storage building to my property. why am I required to pay sales tax for it and then pay property tax every year?

    • Asked by Carlton Whidden
    • Fort Mc Coy, FL
    • Remodeling
    • 4 months ago
  • Do you need a realtor to move to the Villages?

    I'm thinking of moving to the Villages in Florida. Since it's a retirement community, do I need a realtor? Or do they have their own process?

    • Asked by Grace
    • The Villages, FL
    • Buying
    • 4 months ago
  • Reduce capital gains tax on 2nd home, convert into primary?

    Referring to article written by Kelsey Heath, she says: a second home can be converted into primary residence and therefore, would qualify for a primary residence capital gains tax exclusion. To qualify for the exclusion, you must meet both the ownership and use tests. This means you must have owned the home and lived in it as your primary residence for at least two of the five years preceding the sale, but the two years do not need to be consecutive." I currently am in the process of selling my Huntington Beach Ca home. We have owned the home for 5 years now. I am a resident of Utah. In the past 5 years, we have spend between 45-50% of our time at this home here in Huntington Beach, which would mean in the past 5 years we have lived here more than 2 years. Would this not qualify for the reduction of capital gains tax along with the real estate withholding exemption?

  • Do buyers agents do the same amount of work as the sellers?

    Does a buyers agent do an equal amount of work compared to the sellers agent? What does this mean in terms of payment?

    • Asked by Xavier
    • Scottsdale, AZ
    • Buying
    • 5 months ago
  • Do buyers agents get paid the same as the sellers agent?

    Do buyers agents get paid the same amount as the sellers agent? I'm wondering if one side of the transaction gets paid less, or if I should be negotiating so that I pay a fair price. I don't want to be disrespectful, but is the payment up for negotiation?

    • Asked by Becky
    • Sunnyvale, CA
    • Buying
    • 5 months ago
  • How do I negotiate a realtor's payment?

    How do I negotiate a realtor's payment? I don't want to be disrespectful and I understand that this is their job; however, it's normal to negotiate a business transaction. So, is this similar? What are recommendations for how to negotiate? Are there any key points to talk about or inquire about?

    • Asked by Collin
    • Boston, MA
    • Buying
    • 5 months ago
  • What a reasonable buyers agent commission?

    What's a reasonable buyers agent commission? I talked to an agent that said I need to sign a contract and agree to his commission. It seems high, so I'm wondering what's normal.

    • Asked by Daniel
    • San Diego, CA
    • Buying
    • 5 months ago